“Help!!! Number bonds to ten are driving me crazy!” You aren’t alone 🙂 On the face of it, remembering all the number combinations that add up to ten shouldn’t really be that hard. But for a child with dyspraxia or dyscalculia (or both), how do you get those numbers to stick? As my daughter put […]
5 Tips to Help With Spelling for Dyspraxics and Dyslexics
A spelling test is one of those big things at school that almost all dyspraxics and dyslexics dread. Our neurodiverse kids just do not process information in an ordered way so remembering the order of certain letters? Forget it! But there are some methods that can improve spelling skills, and it’s definitely one of […]
10 Tips on Handling Homework Time, and Physio, and OT, and…
Apart from sleep deprivation, I think finding time to do homework and physio and everything else you have to do with your child, is one of the hardest issues to deal with on a daily basis. By the time my daughter gets home at the end of a school day she does not want to […]
Back-to-School Blues & FREE Dyspraxia Handout for Teachers
My non-SEN-parent friends seem to be a mix of ‘woo hoo’ and ‘boo hoo’ at sending their kids back to school. And it occurred to me that although I’m more ‘boo hoo’, I’m also a lot ‘uh oh’. I know I’m not alone! Back-To-School Blues Being parent to a child with dyspraxia, or any other […]
Do You Have Summer Learning Goals? Free Printables
I imagine all parents of dyspraxic kids read their child’s end of year school report with some trepidation. I’m always surprised at something in it, even though I have regular meetings and a home/school diary so I know what’s going on. I always know that I’ll see ‘not reaching expected standards’ (or whatever jargon it […]
Why Your DCD Child Fidgets (and Why You Should Let Them!)
View image | gettyimages.com “Can you sit still for five minutes!” “Why are you fidgeting?” “Can you stop that please, and listen!” We’ve probably used all these, and more, as the dyspraxia kid fiddles with their pen, rocks back and forth on their chair, taps their foot, or wriggles in their seat. Annoying isn’t it? […]