Dyspraxia is also known as Development Coordination Disorder (DCD), which gives you a clue as to what dyspraxia is. Put simply, dyspraxia is when the messages from the brain don’t reach the body’s muscles, or they reach them in a wiggly way, resulting in uncoordinated movements. This becomes most apparent when a child tries to write or […]
Dyspraxia Symptoms – The Good and the Less Good
If dyspraxia symptoms are picked up early in life then there is a greater chance of kicking the less good symptoms firmly in the behind. If you, a teacher, or a healthcare professional suspects that your child has dyspraxia/DCD* chances are they have a lot of the following symptoms. Please don’t feel left out if your […]
How Does the Mind of a Dyspraxic Child Work?
#90797751 / gettyimages.com “I Can’t Help it! It’s Just the Way My Brain Works!” Sometimes it’s difficult for us to understand just what goes through the mind of a dyspraxic child and how their brain works. We know we have to be patient, that they can’t help their handwriting/memory/falling over and bumping into things because […]