Apart from sleep deprivation, I think finding time to do homework and physio and everything else you have to do with your child, is one of the hardest issues to deal with on a daily basis. By the time my daughter gets home at the end of a school day she does not want to […]
Why Your DCD Child Fidgets (and Why You Should Let Them!)
View image | gettyimages.com “Can you sit still for five minutes!” “Why are you fidgeting?” “Can you stop that please, and listen!” We’ve probably used all these, and more, as the dyspraxia kid fiddles with their pen, rocks back and forth on their chair, taps their foot, or wriggles in their seat. Annoying isn’t it? […]
What Is Dyspraxia?
Dyspraxia is also known as Development Coordination Disorder (DCD), which gives you a clue as to what dyspraxia is. Put simply, dyspraxia is when the messages from the brain don’t reach the body’s muscles, or they reach them in a wiggly way, resulting in uncoordinated movements. This becomes most apparent when a child tries to write or […]
Dyspraxia Symptoms – The Good and the Less Good
If dyspraxia symptoms are picked up early in life then there is a greater chance of kicking the less good symptoms firmly in the behind. If you, a teacher, or a healthcare professional suspects that your child has dyspraxia/DCD* chances are they have a lot of the following symptoms. Please don’t feel left out if your […]